Wednesday, 9 September 2015


Did you know that 11% of Australian women never masturbate?
You don’t need a man to have a fabulous orgasm today.
Masturbation doesn't just add confidence to your time in the bedroom, it can also pay dividends for your life too: here are five reasons why.

1. Masturbation boosts your self-esteem
In its essence, masturbation is an expression of unconditional love because you’re taking the time to really connect with your body and you’re allowing yourself to be in the moment. Masturbation helps you to become comfortable with your body. It can help build self-confidence, sexual confidence and self-esteem, all the building blocks of self-love.

2. Masturbation improves your relationship
Masturbation gives you the opportunity to connect with your body and understand exactly what it is that you like. By doing this, you’re in a better space to communicate your sexual needs to a partner. Better communication = better relationship.

3. Masturbation makes you better in bed
Women who masturbate are more aware of their needs and have a better understanding of sexual pleasure. When you understand, accept and own your sexuality, you can tell your partner what your needs are. Some women are used to being passive in sex and sexuality. This means that they have taken the back seat and allowed their partner to lead sex and sexual intimacy. This is the perfect recipe for not being satisfied! Remember, your partner can’t read your mind, so communicating about your sex life is an essential step to sexual fulfillment and happiness.

4. Masturbation makes you more empowered
Masturbation compels us to take responsibility for our own sexuality; you’re not leaving it up to someone else to fulfill your needs. When you are sexually empowered, you take that intimate time to be with yourself, become comfortable with your body and all of its wonderful curves. Ask yourself, “What is it that I like? What gets me going? How do I like to move in my body? Consciously connecting with your body in this way is truly empowering because you are honouring your own needs and desires and rather than living by the values or norms prescribed by someone else.

5. Masturbation makes you feel good
During sex and orgasm, feel-good hormones and chemicals that help us to relax are released in the body. By self-pleasuring we are able to experience the same relaxing and calming effects as we do when we have sex with someone else! Suffering from period pain? For some women, it has been noted that the rhythmic contractions of the uterus during orgasm can assist with period pain.v


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